La Lucha de los Pescadores de Chancay

Tras el derrame de crudo en la costa del Perú


En Chancay los pescadores artesanales se han quedado sin peces, después del trágico vertido de petróleo de la española Repsol en enero de 2022, la mayor catástrofe medioambiental en la historia del Perú. Los pocos peces que se logran capturar podrían, además, estar contaminados, según afirman los expertos. Según estudios del gobierno peruano, aún hay zonas contaminadas con petróleo. Repsol fue multada por cientos de millones de soles y debe pagar también compensaciones a los pescadores. Pero un grupo de dirigentes de asociaciones pesqueras de Chancay no está de acuerdo con la indemnización propuesta por la petrolera. Se niegan a firmar un acuerdo extrajudicial que, según ellos, atenta contra su futuro.


Guión, cámara y edición: Roberto Manhães Reis

Producción local: Rosemary Cueva Sáenz

Locución: Teresa Cosci

Coordinación general: Verónica Marchiaro

reportaje © DW Española, 2023


Amazonia_Brazil's infrastructure projects


Roberto Manhães Reis discovers how new infrastructure projects are affecting the Brazilian rainforest.


Report, Camera & Editing: Roberto Manhães Reis

© DW Report, DW News, 2011

Poverty and Economic growths in Brazil


DW-TV reporter Roberto Manhães Reis explores the streets of his hometown Sao Paulo, Brazil after an absence of ten years.


Report, Camera & Editing: Roberto Manhães Reis

© Journal Reporter, DW News, 2010

German-Jewish search for clues in Brazil

Ernst Wolfgang Hamburger was three years old when his family fled Nazi Germany. In 1936, the Jewish family settled in Brazil. Now Hamburger, an emeritus professor of physics, is organizing a reunion of family members from all over the world. He's getting help from his son Cao, who directed a film about Jewish life in São Paulo. Join us for the last episode in our series.


Report: Ricarda Otte

Camera & Editing: Roberto Manhães Reis

Guestland Brazil_Luiz Ruffato, Carola Saavedra, Daniel Galera


Arts.21 introduces three writers from 2013 Guest of Honor Brazil: Luiz Ruffato whose "There Were Many Horses" deals with the mega-city of Sao Paulo; Daniel Galera, whose "Blood-Soaked Beard" is an homage to the sea; and Carola Saavedra, whose "Landscapes with Dromedary" is a love story.


Report: Ricarda Otte

Camera & Editing: Roberto Manhães Reis

© Arts.21 DW TV, 2013

Moçambique's History in Mafalalas


In Mafalala, on the outskirts of Mozambique's capital, Maputo, Ivan Laranjeira and his friends take visitors on an unusual walking tour, introducing them to the country's history as well as to some of Mafalala's most famous sons.


Report: Cristiane Vieira Teixeira

Camera & Editing: Roberto Manhães Reis

© Africa on the Move, DW News, 2016

The Pau Brasil National Parc


The final remnants of the Atlantic coastal rain forest Mata Atlantica are located in regions which are home to more than 120 million Brazilians. This is at the heart of the Brazilian economy. At the same time the forests are among the five most important global biodiversity hot spots.


report & editing: Roberto Manhães Reis

câmera: Daniel Lobo

© DW Tv Global 3000, 2015